Englisch für Kinder


Die Wissenschaft hat es längst erkannt und man spricht darüber: „Die optimale Phase, in der Kinder am besten die Grammatik und die Phonologie einer Sprache aufnehmen und erlernen, liegt vermutlich zwischen dem dritten und fünften Lebensjahr.“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 16.04.2002, Sprachforscher J. Meisel)

Kleinkinder sind unbefangen und nähern sich einer Fremdsprache unbeschwerter als Erwachsene.Sie erlernen die Fremdsprache ähnlich wie ihre Muttersprache. Ihr Gehörsinn ist noch aufnahmebereit, was besonders im englischen Lautsystem sehr wichtig ist. Wie schwer fällt es oft Erwachsenen sich mit dem englische ‚th‘ anzufreunden?! Für Kinder meist kein Problem.

Im Urlaub mit Kindern Fremdsprachen lernen

Hinzu kommt die Umwelt: ob in den Medien, im Urlaub, selbst im Alltag – es wird eine ‚e-mail‘ verschickt, ‚gameboy‘ gespielt, man wünscht sich eine ‚playstation‘. Für Kinder sind das ganz selbstverständliche Begriffe.

Gerade im Urlaub – wenn man z.B. im Ausland eine Ferienwohnung in Kroatien mietet, kann man gut mit Kindern Fremdsprachen üben. Allerdings sollte man sich überlegen, welche Sprache man lernen möchte – zu viele verschiedenen Eindrücke irritieren mehr, als das sie helfen.

Fördern Sie diese Fähigkeit ihres Kindes, indem Sie immer mal wieder auch die englischer Sprache ‚ins Spiel‘ bringen. Hier finden Sie kleine englische Bewegungslieder oder Fingerspiele, die Kindern Spaß machen und einfach zu erlernen sind:

Clap your hands

Clap your hands, clap your hands, clap them just like me
Clap your hands, clap your hands, clap them just like me
Clap your hands, clap your hands, clap them just like me
Clap them just like me

(Während der Strophe in die Hände klatschen)

Nod your head, nod your head, nod it just like me
Nod your head, nod your head, nod it just like me
Nod your head, nod your head, nod it just like me
Nod it just like me

(Während dieser Strophe mit dem Kopf nicken)

Shrug your shoulders, shrug your shoulders, shrug them just like me
Shrug your shoulders, shrug your shoulders, shrug them just like me
Shrug your shoulders, shrug your shoulders, shrug them just like me
Shrug them just like me

(Mit den Schultern zucken)

Pat your knees, pat your knees, pat them just like me
Pat your knees, pat your knees, pat them just like me
Pat your knees, pat your knees, pat them just like me
Pat them just like me

(Auf die Knie patschen)

Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, stamp them just like me
Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, stamp them just like me
Stamp your feet, stamp your feet, stamp them just like me
Stamp them just like me

(Mit den Füßen stampfen)

Little Arabella Miller

Little Arabella Miller
Had a woolly caterpillar
First it crawled upon her mother
Then upon her baby brother
All said „Arabella Miller,
take away that caterpillar!“

(Lassen Sie Ihren Zeigefinger wie eine Raupe über Ihren bzw. den Körper des Kindes krabbeln.)

Old Mac Donald has a farm

Old Mac Donald has a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he has a cow e.i.e.i.o
With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there,
here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo !

Old Mac Donald has a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he has a duck e.i.e.i.o
With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there,
here a quack there a quack, everywhere a quack quack !

Old Mac Donald has a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he has a horse e.i.e.i.o
With a neigh neigh here, and a neigh neigh there,
here a neigh, there a neigh, everywhere a neigh neigh !

Old Mac Donald has a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he has a pig e.i.e.i.o
With an oink oink here, and an oink oink there,
here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink !

Old Mac Donald has a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he has a sheep e.i.e.i.o
With a baa baa here, and a baa baa there,
here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa baa !

Old Mac Donald has a farm e.i.e.i.o
And on that farm he has a tractor e.i.e.i.o
With a brmm brmm here, and a brmm brmm there,
here a brmm, there a brmm, everywhere a brmm brmm !

Ten little horses

Ten little horses
galloped into town.
Five were black –
and five were brown.
They galloped up,
and they galloped down
And they galloped
right out of town!

Can you show me your horses…now!

(Spielen Sie mit allen zehn Fingern galoppierende Pferde. Die Finger der einen Hand stellen die braunen, die Finger der anderen Hand die schwarzen Pferde dar.) 

Row Row Row your boat

Row row row your boat
gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily –
life is but a dream!

Row row row your boat
gently out to sea
Merrily merrily merrily merrily –
back in time for tea!

Row row row your boat
gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile –
don’t forget to scream –

(Schreien Sie zusammen mit Ihrem Kind!)

Wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round
– round and round – round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long!

(Kreisende Bewegungen mit den Unterarmen als Räder des Busses)

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
– swish swish swish -swish swish swish,
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
All day long!

(Unterarm hin und her bewegen wie einem Scheibenwischer)

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep
– beep beep beep – beep beep beep
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep
All day long!

(Finger der Hand spreizen und schließen wie ein blinkendes Licht)

The doors on the bus go in and out
– in and out – in and out
The doors on the bus go in and out
All day long!

(Mit dem Arm sich öffnende und schließende Tür nachspielen)

The children on the bus bounce up and down
– up and down – up and down
The children on the bus bounce up and down
All day long!

(Hoch- und runterspringen)

The wheels on the bus go round and round
– round and round – round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long!

(Kreisende Bewegungen mit den Unterarmen als Räder des Busses)

Rain, rain, go away

Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Rain, rain, go to spain.
Never show your face again!

Five little dragons

Five little dragons went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother dragon said, „It’s time for your snack.“
But only 4 little dragons came back.

Four little dragons went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother dragon said, „It’s time for your snack.“
But only 3 little dragons came back.

Three little dragons went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother dragon said, „It’s time for your snack.“
But only 2 little dragons came back.

Two little dragons went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother dragon said, „It’s time for your snack.“
But only 1 little dragons came back.

One little Dragon went out to ply,
over the hills and far away.
Mother dragon said, „It’s time for your snack.“
But none of the 5 little dragons came back.

Worried mother dragon began to breathe fire,
but the tears she shed made the fire expire.
Mother dragon said, „It’s a really good snack!“
And all of the 5 little dragons came back.

(Die fünf Finger der Hand spielen die Drachen; einer nach dem anderen verschwindet. Am Ende erscheinen wieder alle Finger der Hand.)

I caught a fish

One, two, three, four, five, (Count on fingers)
I caught a fish alive. (Hold up pretend fish)
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten (Count on fingers)
I let it go again. (Throw back fish)

Five good friends

Five good friends – outside having fun
Until a mother called for one
To come and clean the floor.
Five minus one, that leaves four.

Four good friends – outside having fun
Until a mother called for one
To come and have some tea.
Four minus one, that leaves three.

Three good friends – outside having fun
Until a mother called for one
To come and find her shoe.
Three minus one, that leaves two.

Two good friends – outside having fun
Until a mother called for one
To come home, ‘til his chores were done.
Two minus one, that leaves one.

One good friend – outside all alone
She stopped playing and also went home.
Now no one is outside having fun.
Now the friends outside is zero or none!

(Die fünf Finger der Hand spielen die Freunde. Einer nach dem Anderen verschwindet, bis keiner mehr da ist!)

Welcome everyone

(Melodie: Twinkle, twinkle, little Star)

Welcome, welcome, everyone.
It is time to have some fun.
First we’ll put our coats away
Then we’ll start our busy day.
Welcome, welcome, everyone.
I’m so glad that you have come!
(Jean Warren)

Now our day is done

(Melodie: Mary has a little lamb)

All day long we worked and played,
Worked and played, worked and played.
All day long we worked and played,
Now our day is done.
Wave goodbye, to all your friends,
All your friends, all your friends,
Wave goodbye, to all your friends.
Until we meet again.
(Jean Warren)

Bildnachweis: © freeimages.com – Petre Birlea

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